Back at it…
Preparing for a show usually involves copious amounts of coffee, working long hours with frustrated hair pulling, maybe some tears and definitely loads more coffee. My husband can always tell I’m in the zone when random coffee cups can be seen strewn across the floor and discovered in various nooks around the studio. After the paintings get shipped off and installed, I let out this breath that I didn’t even know that I was holding in…my shoulders sag and I think, THANK GOD! I can take a break now!
Breaks are lovely, so lovely in fact that I sometimes let sunny afternoons on patios, leisurely weekend mornings and the distracting feelings of no looming deadlines lure me away from my studio. Oh, so tempting…
Not this time, thinking cap firmly on and armed with brushes in hand, the face-off begins once again. Two more shows on the horizon: RECONDITE with Cube Gallery (June 2 – 28th)and RIVERDALE ART WALK (June 6 and 7th)
Bring it on baby! …now where did that coffee go.
1 Comment
Apr 24, 2015 @ 01:25:53
Good for you!